The CloudFiles Content Library provides an instant two-way sync with any cloud storage and add a powerful layer of sharing & automations on top of it.
Instantly connect Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, Sharepoint or AWS S3. Consolidate your files at one place. Move them across, create sharing links, track analytics and automate.
Files & folders from any cloud drive are instanly synced. When any team member updates any file, the latest versions are available in CloudFiles.
CloudFiles requires user login into cloud drives and maintains permission hierarchy when they access files, thus respecting cloud permissions.
It takes hardly a minute to register, connect and see your live libraries in CloudFiles. Not only is the app easy to get started, but it is intuitive to use as well.
CloudFiles uses metadata of the files to ensure that your files are served instantly when viewed in the CloudFiles content library. Retrieve files quickly by connecting your drive with a single click.
Sync files from various cloud-based drives like SharePoint, Google Drive, One drive, Dropbox, and Box. Files stay up-to-date with 2 way sync whenever a change install made on either side
CloudFiles can move your files across Google Drive, One Drive, SharePoint, DropBox, Box. Migration of large file storages can be automated using CloudFiles.
Sharing files using CloudFiles provides security and deep analytical insights into your documents. With powerful CRM integrations, you can automate your file management and sharing.
With a CloudFiles account, you can login to your cloud libraries with a single click. The files show up instantly and you can get to work in a few easy steps -
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